Ahhhh....summertime! Days are long, school's out, out-of-town guests come to visit and your family may be traveling. Summer can be a time of transition in your business because things are different than during the school year. Your challenge is to keep yourself and your team members on track. Three GREAT reasons to keep a full summer calendar...
1) It's easier to do business when you work consistently. By doing 6-8 Parties each month, you will be adding 50-60 new customers, potential hostesses and potential team members to your business base each month. More Parties = Less Phone time! 2) More income! The regular income you will be earning in the summer will come in handy at the time of year when family expenses can be higher due to vacations and day trips to the zoo, water parks, museums, etc. 3) Fall Business! Working now means your calendar and your team's calendar will be brimming to overflow with business for the busy 4th quarter of the year. If you "close your store" in the summer, you will need to spend a month or so of valuable fall selling time just getting up and running again. This could potentially cut your fall earning potential by half! Summertime is full of golden opportunities for growing your business for a bountiful fall harvest. Ø New customers are everywhere! At the park, the pool and at summer programs.
Ø Summer is also the time when you will probably be seeing family members so that you can personally show them our products.
Ø Summer fairs and festivals are aplenty. Check your local paper. Booths are a great way to meet new customers and introduce them to your business.
Ø Who was too busy for a spring party? How about a fun ladies night out...margaritas anyone?
Ø Ask for referrals of anyone who has a job that revolves around a school schedule. They are a natural choice for hosting in the summer. Remember that during the summer it is more important than ever to be intentional with your business. With school out, the lack of schedule can make it easy to forget about doing business for weeks at a time. Here are some simple strategies: 1) Communicate your needs and goals to your family. By letting your kids know you can take them to the pool after you've spent a short amount of time doing business, they will know what to expect and feel rewarded. Remember One a Day! 2) Get an accountability buddy. Team up with another rep and check up on one another to be sure you've touched your business daily! 3) Mom's helpers are abundant in the summer. Consider hiring a 10 or 11 year old in the neighborhood to play with your children for an hour or two while you make phone calls. 4) Stuff hostess and recruit packets and stamp catalogs early in the morning or late at night. 5) Carry business cards and catalogs with you wherever you go to share with new friends you meet. 6) Look at your calendar and plan ahead for family vacations and events. Schedule your calendar of parties around your family plans for the summer and take full advantage of the flexibility that this business has to offer. Keep in mind that overbooking is an important strategy as cancellations can be a bit higher in the summer. Since you are the sole proprietor of your business, it's up to you to keep it running! We all love the flexibility afforded by working from home, but be careful not to flex yourself right out of business. Use these tips to enjoy your family while growing your business and have a super summer!
Robin & Teresa The Success Factory