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Booking Parties

Quick Tip #1  If you are a brand new consultant, start by scheduling your Grand Opening party. This is a party you may choose to host in your own home to introduce friends and family to your new business venture. Over-invite, be excited and encourage everyone to bring a friend! Try not to take it personally when some friends and family decline. This happens to everyone and the longer you are in business, the more supportive they will become!

Quick Tip #2  If you are a "seasoned" consultant and need a party, consider scheduling a "Grand Re-Opening" in your home. Remember, you probably won't say "no" to yourself! Invite friends, family and past hostesses. Consider having a drawing for a "Mystery Hostess", where one or two guests receive the hostess rewards!

Quick Tip #3  Know your "open dates".  Be prepared to schedule a party whenever and where ever you are by knowing when you want to work in the next several weeks.

Quick Tip #4  Book in close!  There is no hard and fast rule that says you must have a 2-3 week lead time on booking a party. Most people know on Thursday whether or not they are available the following Tuesday! Your hostess will save money on postage and her excitement level will remain high when she schedules a fast and easy party!

Quick Tip #5  Referrals... Don't forget to ask everyone for them. Even though someone might not be interested in hosting themselves, when you ask them "Who's the party lady in your neighborhood?," they will be able to give you a name right away.

For more great tips and ideas on booking parties CLICK HERE