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Balancing Family and Business


Quick Tip #1  Office hours Set them and follow them. Office hours remind you to go to work, but also give you permission to "go home" from work.  Even though this is a flexible business, you have to schedule time and plan when you are going to work.

Quick Tip #2  Be in the moment Try not to think about family when you are working or work when you are with your family. This takes practice but can be achieved. One practical tip for helping you with this challenge is to let your answering machine pick up calls when you are playing with your children; be sure to turn the volume down!

Quick Tip #3  Workspace - Whenever possible, have a separate workspace for your business. In some cases, this may be as simple as a portable file box that travels with you.

Quick Tip #4  Family bills – By taking over at least one family bill as soon as possible, you will show your family that you are in business, not just playing office. This will also help you to take your work seriously and keep you accountable to a full calendar.

Quick Tip #5  Communication – talk with your family, especially your spouse, about your business goals. How will your family benefit from your new business? What do you need from them and what can they expect from you? When you work at it, a home-based business can be a great vehicle for enhancing your family's relationship.

Quick Tip #6  Check your priorities- Everyone has different priorities.  Know what yours are and if you find you are out of order, then it's time to analyze and make adjustments as needed.


For more practical tips on balancing family and business CLICK HERE